8pm End of Season Bonspiel
We're having a season finalé for the 8p.m. session this week.  Teams have been mixed around a bit and will be as follows:
1 3 5 7
Garry Coombs Andy Hannah Adrian Meikle Rhys Phillips
Emily Sandwith Di Hannah Dawn Watson Peter Schofield
George Fyffe Margaret Meikle Delyth Glyn Jones Rachel McCann
Gillian Hoey Ann Meikle Steven Hoey Lisa Peters
2 4 6 8
Richard Pougher Laura Beever Alastair Lyon James Pougher
Alistair Reid Mike Thackray George Hood Stephen Lambourn
lesley Carol Martin Lloyd Jan Costello Gilbert Ashworth
Steven Gordon Alistair Clark Luke Meyers David Whomsley
Matches 8 - 9
Lane B Lane C Lane D Lane E
1 v 2 3 v 4 5 v 6 7 v 8
Matches 9 - 10
Lane B Lane C Lane D Lane E
3 v 6 1 v 8 7 v 2 5 v 4