Four Nations preview
The Four Nations begins today.  The Four Nations meeting is a chance for Wales to compete against Scotland, England and Ireland for a series of trophies.  There is usually a mixture of men’s, ladies’ and mixed teams. Here are the team lists for Wales and the opposition we will face.
0900 1200 1500 0900 1130 1400
4th ChrisWells AdrianMeikle AdrianMeikle ChrisWells AdrianMeikle HughMeikle
3rd LauraBeever DawnWatson MargaretMeikle JamesPougher HughMeikle AndrewTanner
2nd AndrewTanner DavidPeek JamesPougher DavidPeek AndrewRobbins DavidPeek
1st AnnMeikle JaneRobbins AnnMeikle AndrewRobbins RichardPougher RichardPougher
England Ireland Scotland England Ireland Scotland
4th JamesPougher ChrisWells HughMeikle LauraBeever LauraBeever DawnWatson
3rd CharlotteMeikle LauraBeever DawnWatson MargaretMeikle DawnWatson MargaretMeikle
2nd AndrewRobbins AndrewTanner RichardPougher JaneRobbins AnnMeikle JaneRobbins
1st LisaPeters KatrionaTanner CharlotteMeikle LisaPeters CharlotteMeikle KatrionaTanner