FPOW to play Welsh Grand Match
East faces West in our Welsh Grand Match - this will conclude the Autumn session of Curling at Deeside Ice Rink.
The regular 6pm and 8pm Leagues come to a close over the next fortnight - but there will still be club curling on the first two Mondays in December.
  • 8pm players:
    • Regular league concludes on Monday 30th November.
    • A two-week Grand Match begins on Monday 7th December and concludes on Monday 14th December.
  • 6pm players:
    • The League concludes on Monday 7th December.
    • On Monday 14th December, 6pm players will join the Grand Match.

How does it work?

  • The regular players on both 6pm and 8pm sessions will be split into two pools - East and West - or broadly speaking, England and Wales.
  • New teams will be made up from each pool of players
  • In each session, East will face West in 4-end (60 minute) matches. The total score from every match will be added up to decide whether East (England) or West (Wales) are the victors.
  • Matches will take place at 6pm (14th Dec), 7pm (14th Dec), 8pm (both days) and 9pm (both days). If possible, we will aim to start 6pm and 7pm matches early in order to get the full 4 ends in!
Regular club curling will then finish for the Christmas break, and return on Monday 4th January 2016. For more details of dates and games, please see the current match schedule.